


public administration, state security, national security, national interests, lobbying, lobbying in public administration, parliamentarian, lobbying methods


The article examines the theoretical principles of defining the concept of lobbying as the basis of the state security of Ukraine. The author states that lobbying has the following constituent elements: first, it is an activity aimed at certain state-management decisions, normative-legal documents, certain actions of state authorities; secondly, such activity has interested parties; thirdly, there is stable communication between interested parties (or their representatives) and state authorities; fourthly, the interest (or a specific subject) to which the actions of lobbyists are directed (normative and legal documents); fifth, influence on state authorities; sixth, informal representation of interests in state-management decisions. In addition, lobbying in the state security system can carry both positive actions (in particular, the settlement of important problems, solving urgent tasks in the public administration system) and negative actions (corruption offenses, the formation of a system of checks and balances, etc.).

The article highlights the following functions of lobbying in the state security system. Firstly, the economic function is the defense of the important interests of the economic sectors, taking into account the socio-economic development of the country, the formation of effective mechanisms for the protection of all spheres of the economy, the formation of a balanced development of the economic life of society. Secondly, the political function consists in the formation of balanced interests of all policy stakeholders. Thirdly, the organizational function consists in the formation of relevant institutions for the purpose of protecting not only the interests of interested groups, but also the formation of a safe environment for society. Fourth, the communicative function, which consists in the formation of a communicative environment and the discussion of certain important urgent problems and the determination of optimal, rational state-management solutions. Fifth, the protective function consists in the formation of such state-management decisions that would not only solve the problem of certain interested groups and the public, but also provide the state with protection from negative influences, including corrupt influences.

Lobbying in the state security system is a form of representation of group (state-management) interests aimed at ensuring the state security of Ukraine, minimizing threats to national security, influencing the adoption (cancellation) of state-management decisions aimed at ensuring the nationally important interests of the state.

Author Biography

Andrew STELMAKH, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Сandidate of sciences in public administration, lecturer at the Department of public administration and administration of Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav


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How to Cite

STELMAKH А. (2023). THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF DEFINING THE CONCEPT OF LOBBYING AS THE BASIS OF THE STATE SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (3), 66–77.