
  • Oksana Parkhomenko-Kutsevil doctor of science in public administration, professor, head of the Department of Public Administration and Management at Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav
  • Andriy Stelmakh Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Lecturer at the Department of Public Administration and Management at Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav



national security, public security, state authorities in the field of public security, public security mechanisms, police, public order, institutions of civil society


The article systematizes modern mechanisms for ensuring public safety in wartime conditions. The authors stated that the mechanisms for ensuring public security are a system of tools, methods, means that comprehensively ensure the functioning of the public security system at the state and regional level, with the aim of creating and maintaining stable conditions for the exercise of powers by the relevant subjects, protection and protection of rights and legitimate interests of the individual, society and the state from real and potential risks.

The article substantiates that the effectiveness of the mechanisms for ensuring public security, taking into account their multifacetedness and complexity, can be ensured exclusively at the expense of a clear normative-legal definition of the range of subjects, their powers and competence in the specified area, appropriate legal support, which create the systemic functioning of the institutional and the legal link of the specified mechanism.

The main mechanisms for ensuring public safety include: regulatory, organizational, personnel, financial, motivational, etc. mechanisms It is substantiated that in the conditions of wartime there was a need for the formation of prognostic mechanisms for the formation and provision of public security, because every day brings new changes, including changes at the front, which affects modern public security.

Today, in our opinion, there is a need for the formation of a systemic legal document that would highlight the main mechanisms for ensuring public safety. The main elements of this legal document should include: general provisions defining the purpose, principles, priority areas, main tasks, tools for ensuring public safety, expected results, terminological apparatus; assessment of the state of public security, including challenges, main strategic risks and main threats to public security; goals, principles, tasks, priority areas of activity of state forces to ensure public security within their competence; mechanisms for the implementation of the normative legal document, which include the relevant levels; section, which provides for the participation of citizens and non-governmental organizations operating in the security sphere, in ensuring public security.

Separate attention should be paid to the importance of scientific study of the mechanisms of implementation of the normative-legal document and the mechanisms of control over its implementation.


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How to Cite

Parkhomenko-Kutsevil О., & Stelmakh А. (2023). MODERN MECHANISMS FOR ENSURING PUBLIC SAFETY IN WARTIME CONDITIONS. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (6), 141–150.

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