


civil service, human resources management, martial law, personnel technologies, legal framework


This article examines the peculiarities of human resources management in the civil service in Ukraine under martial law. The authors analyze the challenges faced by the civil service, such as increasing the number of personnel and the need to implement effective personnel technologies. The imperfection of the regulatory and legal framework and the lack of a unified personnel policy complicate the task of forming and developing the personnel of the civil service, which can affect the prestige of civil servants and the attraction of highly qualified specialists. The article highlights and substantiates the specifics of human resources management in the civil service of Ukraine during martial law. The authors indicate that the lack of extensive experience in managing human resources in the civil service under martial law in Ukraine creates new challenges for researchers in the field of public management and administration. Taking this into account, the most important issues related to the transformation of legal support for the management of human resources of the civil service in Ukraine under martial law are considered. The article emphasizes that in the conditions of these challenges and changes in labor legislation, state bodies in Ukraine face a number of problems in the field of human resources management, including the need for rapid adaptation; lack of qualified workforce; occupational safety and health; the need to further bring national legislation into line with the EU acquis and its proper implementation, etc. Special attention is paid to the problems of forming a personnel reserve for public service in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine, meaning the territories that were occupied before the full-scale war, namely parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The full-scale brutal invasion of the Russian occupying forces into our country and the introduction of martial law in Ukraine from 24.02.2022 not only intensified social challenges and threats, but also caused a rapid reformatting of the work of state institutions, while changing the approach to the participation of civil servants, their passing and dismissal from work. civil servants, the organization of the activities of civil servants and the organization of labor relations, etc., which created new opportunities for civil servants and personnel management in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Vashchenko С., & Hubenko В. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE IN UKRAINE UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF MARITAL STATE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (8), 17–27.