


public administration, public security, national security, police activity, public, problems of ensuring public security, competence approach


The article states that public security is a state and process that ensures the consistency of national security goals along with guarantees of survival, sustainable development and welfare of society. Therefore, it is based on generally recognized legal norms and values related to the duration and development of the state. It is the state, in an ideal model, that is the guarantor of fair redistribution of public goods and services and ensures equal opportunities for citizens. In the countries of the European Union, the definition of "public (public) security" does not have a clear legal formulation and, thus, its interpretation depends on historical and institutional features. This is due to the fact that in democratic societies the process of ensuring public (public) security is defined primarily as the implementation of their direct functions by specialized institutions (police, national guard, gendarmerie, etc.), which choose the most optimal mechanisms and tools for ensuring public (public) security in order to maintain public order in each specific case.

The conducted analysis of the European experience in the formation and provision of public security gives reason to note that the state-legal provision of public security is the basis of the functioning of its system. Thanks to it, appropriate conditions are created for the activities of authorized subjects in the field of public security, control over the performance of duties and powers by them (subjects), legislative guarantee of conditions for effective activity.

Public safety abroad is considered as the basis for ensuring the safety of society, that is, as the internal security of the state and is the main component of national security.

The main state institutions in the EU countries that implement the functions of ensuring public security are the police and law enforcement agencies, which not only form public security in a certain territory, but also ensure a constant dialogue with the public in order to form positive trust relations between police officers and residents of the territories.

The basis of high-quality and effective police activity abroad is professionalism, honesty, and trust on the part of society.


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How to Cite

Mugahit Б., & Stelmakh А. (2023). MODERN ASPECTS OF FORMATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PUBLIC SECURITY: EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (5), 6–17.