public administration, civil control, parliamentary control, ombudsman institute, military ombudsman, security and defense sectorAbstract
The article carries out a systematic analysis of the introduction of the post of military ombudsman as a basis for ensuring the implementation of civilian control over the security and defense sector of Ukraine.
The author analyzed the problems of introducing military ombudsmen abroad, including in Germany. The article states that the ombudsman is not a classic management body, he does not have the right to cancel the decisions of executive authorities, but it allows to reduce conflicts in the field of management and reduce the negative consequences of bureaucratization of the administrative apparatus. In many countries, ombudsmen have the right to request information and documentation from any source. Broad supervisory functions over the activities of the apparatus and officials at all levels, which the ombudsman is empowered with in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, determine his high authority and wide recognition by the public.
In our opinion, in Ukraine, civilian control over the security and defense sector should be carried out comprehensively by the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, and even public organizations. Therefore, we propose to introduce the position of Military Ombudsman in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Its main functions should include the following: organization and conduct of parliamentary investigations; parliamentary hearings; listening to reports, reports and messages of managers and officials of the security and defense sphere, control bodies of the security and defense system; initiation of own control actions in the field of security and defense; requesting necessary documents, written conclusions and other materials; inviting heads of military administration bodies to submit clarifications on the issues under consideration; initiation of public hearings on security and defense issues; conducting surveys of employees of the security and defense system, military personnel; listening to the reports of the heads of the military administration bodies on the state of affairs regarding the financing of the security and defense sphere; conducting permanent consultations with the public on corruption offenses and corruption crimes in the sphere of security and defense.
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