
  • Lesia Kotsur Ph.D. in Historical Sciences, Lecturer at the Department of Public Management and Administration of Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
  • Oleksii Hryha 2 year Master student Specialty 281 Department of Public Management and Administration of Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav



Ukraine, state information policy, information, martial law, information security


The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological contradictions related to the definition of the scientific and legal content of the concepts «state information policy» and «state information policy under martial law». It is based on a number of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, systematic, generalization, theorizing, comparison, historical, logical) and special methods (method of document analysis, method of source verification, comparative method). Thanks to a broad methodological base, a critical analysis of scientific sources and a thorough review of normative and legal documents, certain inaccuracies were revealed in certain scientific investigations that reveal the concept of «state information policy». In particular, it was found that some authors justify the concept of state information policy by referring to Article 3 or Article 6 of the Law «On Information» of 1992, but none of the specified articles contain such a concept. This Law defines only the main directions of the state information policy, which are enshrined in Article 3, entitled «State Information Policy». In general, the article shows that there is no definition of such concepts as «state information policy» and «state information policy under martial law» in domestic legislation, although these concepts are often used in academic and everyday life. It is also shown that Ukrainian scientists have already developed significant proposals regarding the formulation of the concept of «state information policy under martial law». In turn, we also highlighted what factors should be taken into account when normalizing such a concept as «state information policy under martial law». In particular, it should be taken into account that this concept is based on civil and military national legislation; provides for the application of a unified approach to the formation of infomedia space, taking into account security aspects; contributes to the strengthening of the digital capabilities of society and the formation of the digital stability of the state.


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How to Cite

Kotsur Л., & Hryha О. (2023). STATE INFORMATION POLICY OF UKRAINE: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PARADOXES OF WARTIME. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (4), 52–60.