


public security, police, state administration bodies, state administration in the field of public security, public order, law and order, offenses


The article analyzes the international aspects of the formation and provision of public security based on the analysis of Germany’s experience. The author states that ensuring public security is a priority direction of the state policy of Ukraine and is considered in the context of national security of the state. In order to maintain a satisfactory state of protection of society against illegal encroachments within the framework of public security, crime prevention activities occupy a special place. and administrative offenses, as well as appropriate monitoring of the specified negative phenomena. In the countries of the European Union, the definition of «public security» («public security») does not have a clear legal formulation and, thus, its interpretation depends on historical and institutional features. This is due to the fact that in democratic societies the process of ensuring public (public) security is defined primarily as the implementation of their direct functions by specialized institutions (police, national guard, gendarmerie, etc.), which choose the most optimal mechanisms and tools for ensuring public (public) security in order to maintain public order in each specific case

Internal affairs bodies play an important role in ensuring security and order. These bodies are interconnected with various organizations and state bodies, and also perform work on preventing violations of public order and punishing such violations. To punish and prevent violations, they use a diverse arsenal of coercive measures and persuasions, as well as a wide range of moral and legal means.

Based on the analysis of the experience of Germany in the formation of public security, the following can be noted. First, public safety is considered as the basis for ensuring the safety of society. Secondly, the main state institutions that implement the functions of ensuring public safety are the police. Thirdly, the basis of high-quality and effective police activity is professionalism, honesty, and trust on the part of society. Fourthly, the functions of the police are not limited to ensuring public order and investigating criminal offenses, but are also related to the vital activities of society, helping the population in critical everyday matters.

Author Biography

Bal MUJAKHIT, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Doctor of Philosophy in the field of «Public Management and Administration»


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How to Cite

MUJAKHIT Б. . (2023). INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS OF FORMING AND ENSURING PUBLIC SECURITY: THE EXPERIENCE OF GERMANY. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (3), 41–48.