


national security, state security, globalization, reforming the global security system, public administration


The article analyzes the methodological approach to ensuring state security. The author substantiates that to create an effective system of national security and harmonize it with the state and legal status of Ukraine as an independent, democratic state, as well as the requirements of socio-economic, scientific, technical and spiritual development of Ukrainian society, it is necessary not only to combine external and internal factors of its provision, but also the development of relevant theoretical, legal and methodological research on this issue. The modern integrated world convincingly proves that it is impossible to reduce the provision of external security only to the borders of the national borders of certain states. That is why the only and the most balanced and real way to ensure Ukraine's external security can be to seek and establish relations with the European Union and the United States of America in order to more effectively implement and protect their national interests. However, given the current geopolitical situation in the world, the leading vectors of development of the foreign policy of the Ukrainian state may be the maximum expansion of ties with Western Europe and the United States. Under these circumstances, the leadership of the Ukrainian state must clearly realize that at the beginning of the XXI century. a qualitatively new stage has come in Ukraine's foreign policy, both in the eastern and western directions. This indicates that the multi-vector nature of Ukraine's state policy must remain in the past. Ukraine's foreign policy in the field of national security will be based on the policy of European and Euro-Atlantic integration and will be carried out at various levels - global, regional, interregional, subregional, cross-border. At the global level, Ukraine considers deepening its strategic partnership with the United States of America as a guarantor of international security in the Euro-Atlantic area, based on the Ukraine-US Charter on Strategic Partnership.
Russia's aggression against Ukraine has increased the urgency of reforming the UN Security Council. Therefore, in the work of the UN General Assembly, the focus should be on supporting such initiatives to reform the UN Security Council, which will ensure its adequate response to violations of international law, even if the violator is a permanent member of this body.

Author Biography

Tykhon Yarovoy, Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine"

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of International Relations and Political Communication of the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine"


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How to Cite

Yarovoy Т. (2022). METHODICAL APPROACH TO ENSURING STATE SECURITY. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (2), 227–252.