


public administration, social management, social forecasting, social engineering, social planning


The article systematizes scientific approaches to social design in the theory of public administration. It is noted that the importance of European democratic traditions in modern public administration is due to efforts to achieve certain social standards and welfare. The author notes that social design is a specific activity, which is associated with a well-founded definition of the development of new social processes and phenomena of society and with the whole. Design is often used during the resolution of specific administrative problems. New projects are emerging - environmental, engineering and psychological. As an example, we can cite the project of development of the future man, the basis of which is the "moral code of the builder of communism." Thus, design is a form of anticipatory reflection of reality, anticipation of the field and place of the object, phenomenon or process in the future picture of society. It is substantiated that any design, in particular social, based on a conceptual analysis of the situation creates an ideal image of the desired future, identifies development trends, plans changes, which optimizes the development of the social sphere and reduce unwanted trends. Social design should primarily be aimed at improving existing social phenomena, in general, the social infrastructure of modern society, solving the problems of socially vulnerable groups through the development of projects and their implementation.

Author Biography

Lesia Tirbakh, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Ph.D. in economics, lecturer of the Department of Public management Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav


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How to Cite

Tirbakh Л. (2022). SOCIAL PROJECTIONS OF THEORY OF STATE ADMINISTRATION. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (2), 215–226.