corruption, anti-corruption policy, nti-corruption public authorities, system of anti-corruption measures, prevention of corruption, anti-corruptionAbstract
The article substantiates four clusters of problems of formation and development of anti-corruption public authorities. First, there is a lack of specially trained specialists who will implement anti-corruption policy, are familiar with the issues of preventing and overcoming corruption, have appropriate qualifications and experience. Secondly, the lack of experience and institutional capacity of these bodies, as they are newly created bodies, they form their activities based on the experience of European and world practices, which does not always work. After all, in Ukraine the nature of corruption differs from corruption manifestations in other countries, therefore it is necessary to consider national features of manifestation of corruption in our country. Thirdly, these bodies started their activity slowly, as the staff of such bodies was formed for a very long time. In addition, the composition and management system of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption have changed twice. However, the effectiveness of this public authority is still lacking. Fourth, there is no interaction between these bodies, which should be regulated in the current legal documents, however, anti-corruption institutions duplicate each other's activities, this applies to the preparation of administrative protocols, monitoring compliance with the law in filling out declarations, as well as conflict interests, etc.
In order to form a common framework for preventing and combating corruption, it is planned to exchange information bases within the competence of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, the National Agency of Ukraine for Detection, Investigation and Management of Corruption and Other Crimes Assets. In addition, strengthen cooperation between the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and other anti-corruption bodies to form databases of persons who have committed corruption or corruption-related offenses.
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