


personnel, personnel security, public administration, institutional capacity of personnel security, normative-legal provision of personnel security


The article identifies the improvement of mechanisms for ensuring personnel security in the public administration system. The author clarifies the role and place of personnel security in the system of public administration. The article substantiates the need to implement the Code of Legislation to ensure personnel security of the public administration system. The elements specified in the Code include the following: personnel as a basis for personnel security; institutional structure of the personnel security system of Ukraine; development of the system of training and increase of public administration staff; identification of the logical scheme of formation of personnel potential of the public administration system as the basis for ensuring personnel security; monitoring of external and internal threats to Ukraine's personnel security; application of HR-benchmarking and HR-audit in the system of public administration; transformation of the role of personnel management of public authorities and the formation of psychological services; monitoring of personnel security in the system of public administration and formation of the Strategy of personnel security for 5 years.
The author substantiates the expediency of establishing the Intersectoral Council for Personnel Security in Ukraine, which will involve scientists, research institutions, members of the public, as well as heads of personnel departments of central and local authorities. The main functions of such an Intersectoral Council for Personnel Security in Ukraine should include: developing a consolidated position on the strategy of personnel development of the public administration system, taking into account possible dangers and threats; preparation and submission of agreed recommendations and proposals to the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the formation and implementation of state personnel policy in the field of public administration; formation of a proposal to improve the system of training of civil servants, monitoring the quality of trained institutions that conduct training and retraining of civil servants; providing proposals for setting standards for the training of public servants. After all, the standards should be aimed at practice-oriented training taking into account the needs and requirements of modern public administration; coordination of actions of executive bodies during the implementation of programs on the formation of personnel security of the public administration system; promoting the implementation by executive authorities of the principles of state personnel security policy in the system of public administration; preparation of proposals and recommendations for targeted and effective use of public administration staff, their development and constant updating.

Author Biography

Olena Gula

Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration


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How to Cite

Gula О. (2022). IMPROVEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES SAFETY MECHANISMS IN THE PUBLIC GOVERNANCE SYSTEM. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (2), 123–141.