Theoretical foundations of the formation and development of the institution of lobbying in Canada




public administration, parliamentary activity, lobbyist, lobbying, lobbying activity, stakeholders, corruption, regulation of activity, normative-legal base


The article provides a systematic analysis of the formation and development of the institution of lobbying in Canada. Analyzed the Act on Lobbying, which was adopted in 1988, the "Act of Transparency and Lobbying Ethics" and others. Canadian laws were enacted to combat corruption, ensure transparency and openness of the political process, for which a mechanism was created to register interest groups involved in political activities. Open lobbying provided an opportunity to understand the processes taking place in politics, as well as to balance private interests with the public. For example, if one political force acts in the private interest of any corporation, their opponent will seek to oppose it or another private or public interest, depriving the competitor of benefits. The analysis of the experience of regulation of the institute of lobbying in Canada gives grounds to note the following. First, the institution of lobbying in Canada is clearly regulated, which gives grounds to establish the responsibility of lobbyists and regulate their activities. Secondly, a register of lobbyists through an electronic database has been introduced, as well as permanent re-registration of lobbyists: at the federal level - every 6 months for all, in Ontario the deadline for lobbyists-consultants is set at 3 months (different clients who change more often), for corporate - 6 months. Third, lobbyists must report monthly on all interactions with officials. Fourth, liability is established for refusal to register in the electronic register, as well as the indication of false data entered in the register. Fifth, there is the Commissioner for Lobbying, who has broad rights to investigate violations of the Law on Lobbyists and Lobbying.

Author Biography

Andrii Stelmakh, Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav

Andrii Stelmakh – Candidate of Science in Public Administration, Lecturer, Department of Public Administration and Administration, Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav


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How to Cite

Stelmakh, A. (2022). Theoretical foundations of the formation and development of the institution of lobbying in Canada. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (1), 146–161.