Regulatory and legal mechanisms for ensuring public security in Ukraine and abroad




public security, police, public administration bodies, public administration in the field of public security, public order, law and order, offenses


The article substantiates the need for systematization of legal mechanisms for public safety in Ukraine and abroad. The author notes that the legal regulation of public safety and order in Ukraine is provided by a number of legal acts, including: the Constitution of Ukraine, the Code of Administrative Offenses, Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine "On organizational and legal framework with organized crime "," On the peculiarities of public order and public safety in connection with the preparation and conduct of football matches "," On the National Guard of Ukraine "," On operational search activities "," On the National Police "," On the Prosecutor's Office ", "On bodies and services for children and special institutions for children", "On the legal regime of martial law", order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "On approval of the Regulations on the functional subsystem of public (public) security and order, road safety of the unified state civil protection and other laws and international legal agreements ratified by Ukraine her. The article clarifies that the concept of "public security" as a basis for the formation and provision of national security of Ukraine is not regulated in the national legislation. At the same time, the current legislation of Ukraine regulates such concepts as: "national security", "information security", "cyber security", "military security", "public security", "public order" and others.

The National Police of Ukraine has been designated as the body of state power that ensures public safety in Ukraine. At the same time, the functions of the National Police of Ukraine are limited in nature and are mostly aimed at preventing and combating offenses, as well as conducting appropriate investigative actions. At the same time, international law regulates police functions in forecasting, counteracting threats and dangers in the public security system, forming positive cooperation between police and society, forming a positive image of the police among the population, building trust in police, which also contributes to public safety.

Author Biography

Mujahit Ball

Ball Mujahit – Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration


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How to Cite

Ball, M. . (2022). Regulatory and legal mechanisms for ensuring public security in Ukraine and abroad. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (1), 34–52.