


electronic document management, electronic document, electronic governance, electronic document management system, public administration


This article considers the possibility of implementing and improving electronic document management in public administration. Computerization and informatization of society significantly impact the development of state organizations. The implementation of electronic document management is one of the essential tools for effective management in an organization. Electronic document management is also one of the main components of e-government. The organization, functioning, and issues of regulation and legal support of electronic document management have acquired significant importance. Electronic document management also fulfills the main directions of using information and communication technologies in the activities of government bodies, which ensures the implementation of the electronic document management system as one of the defining processes in the development of public administration. Using the electronic document management system opens up new opportunities in social interaction at a qualitatively new level. It allows you to perform the state or organization's management functions effectively. The implementation of the electronic document management system in Ukraine at this stage faces specific problems; namely, when implementing the electronic document management system in state authorities, there is a lack of specialists who have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide information about the systems that need to be implemented, and who have experience. Implementing such systems also occurs in modern government bodies, and document management is carried out in a mixed form, namely in electronic and paper form. Ultimately, implementing electronic document management contributes to increasing the transparency and efficiency of organizations. Today, it is known that Ukraine has not achieved the same results as other countries in this area. It was decided that for the effective implementation of electronic document management in state organizations of Ukraine, it is necessary to adopt the experience of other countries. As a result, it was concluded that Ukraine's regulatory and legal framework, which ensures the implementation of electronic document management in the administrative sphere, needs to be improved using foreign experience.


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How to Cite

Vashchenko С., Haharina І., & Yaroshchuk Я. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (10), 18–25.