public administration, state mechanisms, electronic health care, digitization of the health care system, telemedicine, artificial intelligenceAbstract
The article analyzes modern aspects of the development of the electronic health care system. The active impetus for the development of the electronic health care system in Ukraine and the world was the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure remote equal access to various types of medical care, the widespread use of digital information and communication technologies (electronic health care system) is currently being proposed, which is an integral part of modern health care. Currently, the development and implementation of the National Action Program for the implementation of the Global Strategy in the field of digital health care is needed, which will be aimed at studying and evaluating the expected results, and the effective and safe application of digital health care, which should in its essence serve to ensure and protection of human rights when using digital technologies. The author substantiates the main problems regarding the introduction of modern information and communication tools into the health care system of Ukraine, in particular: the absence of a regulatory framework, a special law and other necessary by-laws (orders and standards) and clinical recommendations (regulations); lack of legal regulation of the activities of doctors who provide teleconsultations, including their licensing; lack of necessary knowledge and education of doctors on telemedicine issues; lack of special equipment, telemedicine office and laboratories in medical institutions; lack of a legal framework regulating health insurance and uncertainty regarding the payment of telemedicine services; technical and legal problems in making interterritorial payments for services; lack of public awareness, especially of elderly patients, and public trust in electronic medicine; lack of special online platforms on standard devices (smartphones, tablets, computers, software, etc.) available to any patient; low-quality Internet or its absence.
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