
  • Inna Suray Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Management and Administration at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



Public management/рublic administration, public services, administrative services, electronic services, digital technologies, digitization, digitization of public services, digital transformation, European integration, information security


The conducted research showed that the introduction and development of the system of providing public administrative electronic services in Ukraine is a purposeful managed process that occurs simultaneously with the processes of reforming рublic management/рublic administration, the processes of digitalization of рublic management/рublic administration and all spheres of society, is inextricably linked with them and determines the transformational processes of the entire public management system.

High-quality services and convenient procedures – creating conditions under which individuals and legal entities receive high-quality and affordable administrative services according to convenient and understandable procedures is a priority direction of reforming рublic management/рublic administration in Ukraine with the aim of building a capable service and digital state that ensures the protection of citizens' interests on the basis of European standards and experience; European integration.

We have singled out the following trends regarding the provision of public administrative electronic services in Ukraine: 1) 2006-2008 – the beginning of the formation of the system for the provision of administrative services (the provision of services in paper form), the digitization of documents and the creation of citizen databases; 2) 2009 – 2013 – streamlining the sphere of administrative services and spreading the use of computer technologies of that time to form answers to citizens' requests, continuing the creation of citizen databases; 3) 2014 – 2017 – creation of a network of centers for the provision of administrative services, adoption of the concept of e-government development (2017): modernization of public services; introduction of electronic services, including administrative; 4) from 2018 – development of a network of centers for the provision of administrative services, modernization and digitization of public services.

We believe that today Ukraine needs a long-term Digitalization Strategy, which would ensure a systematic approach to the digitalization of рublic management/рublic administration, balanced and safe digitalization (information security), availability of services (online and offline), integrated and comfortable receipt of services, compliance with legal standards of public services.


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How to Cite

Suray І. (2024). TRENDS IN THE PROVISION OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES IN UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (8), 116–125.