martial law, state information policy, security, telethon, unified news, censorship, opposition, cybersecurity, disinformationAbstract
The main directions of the state information policy of Ukraine in terms of martial law are analyzed. It is shown that the large-scale russian aggression that began on February 24, 2022, has led to radical changes in approaches to the formation of the main directions of the state information policy of our country. Almost immediately, the attention of Ukraine’s political leadership was focused on the formation of a single information space in the format of the information telethon «United News #UkraineTogether», but without the involvement of opposition media. It is shown that at first the single telethon played a constructive role in the system of state information policy, but after the return of «big politics» and pro-russian narratives to the TV airwaves, the telethon’s significance became destructive. The article also analyzes other areas of Ukraine’s information policy under martial law. These include state censorship and self-censorship of journalists; creation of centers and launch of state projects aimed at countering russian disinformation; strengthening protection against cyberattacks; and state information policy in the field of culture. Special attention is paid to the state’s foreign information policy aimed at blocking russian propaganda in the international arena. It is shown that this policy is implemented through the Ukrainian Institute and the system of TV channels «Dim» and «FreeDom», pages on social networks «UATV English», «UA Arabic» and the English-language website «The Gaze». The author summarizes that the advantage of the State information policy under martial law is that the State is guided by the provisions of the laws on the introduction of martial law, and therefore can change the information policy, introduce censorship, and limit negative external influence in an almost manual manner (depending on the circumstances) in order to ensure the information security of society. At the same time, a dangerous phenomenon of the State information policy under martial law is the violation of democratic values related to freedom of speech and compliance with journalistic standards; information harassment of opposition political forces.
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