
  • Serhii Kachmar Postgraduate student of Department of Management and Business Administration, Institute of Graduate Studies and Pre-university Education of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



state policy, publishing and printing sphere, state support model, institutional criteria, long-term development strategy


The article examines the role of state management and control in the development of national economic sectors, focusing on the publishing and printing industry in Ukraine. The authors consider how state support is formed based on the specifics of market conditions, socio-economic changes, and priorities set by national regulators. The main focus is on finding a balance between the current needs of enterprises and a long-term sustainable development strategy based on innovation and fair distribution of resources. Instability in the functioning of sectoral business entities due to the lack of effective state support in Ukraine leads to the deterioration of their performance and the decline of state and communal enterprises. The article calls for the development of a high-quality pricing system that would take into account the needs and solvency of consumers, as well as ensure cost coverage and profitability of enterprises. The authors draw attention to the importance of developing cooperation between publishing houses, printing companies, wholesale and retail networks, as well as increasing the level of innovation and product quality. The importance of Ukraine’s integration into the European context is emphasized, which involves the adaptation of national legislation to European standards and the consideration of institutional factors when developing state support. Ways of creating institutional criteria for state support are proposed, including subsidizing the issue of circulations, preferential taxation, taking into account the economic indicators of enterprises.

Recommendations for comprehensive approaches to support the development of domestic electronic publications, their integration into a digital library, the development of cooperation with foreign clients and the submission of grant applications to European institutions have been developed. The article concludes by emphasizing the role of coordinating the work of various state bodies in the development of the publishing and printing sector and the need for an integrated approach to the implementation of state policy in this area.


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How to Cite

Kachmar С. (2023). STATE POLICY IN THE PUBLISHING AND PRINTING SPHERE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (6), 72–81.