public marketing, health care, medical services, marketing technologiesAbstract
The article proves that the implementation of marketing technologies in public activities will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of work, successfully solve the problems of the socio-economic development of the state in certain areas, in particular health care, and ensure the provision of medical services at a high level. The purpose of the article is to justify the feasibility of developing marketing technologies in public administration and to identify opportunities for improving the provision of medical services using marketing tools in Ukraine. Studies have proven that public marketing is a system of using the management concept and practical tools of marketing by subjects of public management activity (state bodies and local self-government bodies), which is implemented by meeting the needs of society or its individual communities through the mechanisms of mutual exchange of certain actions and resources. The objects of marketing in public administration and the main features of marketing in public administration are defined: the market nature of relations, limited scope, scale in scope, dependence on the decisions of authorities and the political situation. It has been proven that the interdisciplinary basis of state marketing consists primarily of theories of the economic foundations of social marketing, service marketing, non-commercial marketing, territorial marketing, as well as innovative concepts of state regulation in market conditions. Reforming public administration with the use of marketing methodology means the application of the general methodology of service development. Based on the research of advanced marketing technologies in health care institutions, the prospects of using marketing tools in the field of health care of Ukraine are highlighted: mobile applications, marketing with a narrow specialization, integration in messengers, new generation content in marketing, gadgets for health, development telemedicine.
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