


medical facilities, stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, prevention, rehabilitation, strategic forecasting, cluster facilities, supercluster facilities


Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the world. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct determination of the type of stroke: ischemic or hemorrhagic. Therefore, there is a need for strategic planning to expand the system of medical care for hemorrhagic stroke, taking into account the need to ensure timely and full access of patients to specialized medical care. The scientific article identifies statistical indicators of mortality and disability from stroke in the world. Different scenarios of stroke development are considered. The achievements of recent years in the field of stroke prevention, rehabilitation and treatment are identified. The essence, types of strokes, their key characteristics are considered. The statistical data on the incidence of stroke in Ukraine are studied with the distribution of all cases of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. The main factors that cause it are detailed. The reasons that contributed to a significant increase in the incidence of stroke in Ukraine in 2022 are analyzed. The general list of documents that define the procedure for taking the necessary medical measures in case of suspected hemorrhagic stroke is specified. The Standard of Medical Care "Assistance in case of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage" is considered in detail. The list of measures and components that should be available in healthcare facilities that receive patients with suspected stroke is graphically displayed. The characteristic features of the treatment of patients with hemorrhagic stroke in specialized stroke units are identified. The consequences of fragmentation of medical services are analyzed. The key components of a complete system of hemorrhagic stroke treatment are depicted and characterized. The influence of the creation of the National Health Service of Ukraine on the equipment of medical institutions at the level necessary to provide care to patients with hemorrhagic stroke is investigated. The procedure for reimbursement by the National Health Service of Ukraine of the costs of providing medical care to patients with stroke is outlined. The impact of the war on the strategic planning of the development of a network of institutions with the necessary facilities for stroke treatment is determined and the key priorities of this process for the near future are outlined.


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How to Cite

Iamkovy М. (2023). STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEDICAL CARE SYSTEM FOR HEMORRHAGIC STROKE IN UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (5), 150–161.