
  • Svitlana Solovey Postgraduate student of the Department of Healthcare Management and Public Administration of Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine



public administration, medical insurance, medical insurance models, health care financing, improvement of medical financing models


The article is devoted to the study of global models of the introduction of health insurance. A person’s life and health is his most important and valuable resource, therefore it is necessary to preserve them, and medicine can satisfy this need. An effective system of health insurance, which is an important element of social security of the population, will ensure access to quality medical services.

The problem of health care is growing every year. One of the goals of sustainable development is the health and well-being of the population, so every country is interested in ensuring social protection, health and work capacity of society. Health insurance plays the role of an alternative model of health care organization and is an important element of social infrastructure. In addition, medical insurance can shift the burden from the state budget to the shoulders of insurance companies and will ensure the development of competition in the medical market and its quality improvement.

The article defines that medical insurance is a form of personal insurance that guarantees the provision of medical assistance to citizens in the event of an insured event at the expense of accumulated insurance funds. In turn, insurance medicine is a system of financing health care facilities at the expense of insurance funds.

There are three main types of financing of medicine: state (budgetary), in which the share of the state exceeds 70% of the total financing, social (at the expense of funds of the national social insurance, which do not go to the budget), private medical insurance. Each country usually uses all three types of financing, combining them in different proportions.

The main driving force for the creation of high-quality functioning of health insurance is the state’s choice of an effective health care financing model, under which all material resources would be distributed and used in the most rational and efficient manner. For each country, choosing the most suitable health care system will be an opportunity to improve the quality of health care services, optimize the work of health care and increase funding. It should be understood that the health care system is not just a pyramid of government institutions, but also the interdisciplinary activities of medical personnel that improve the health of the population.


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How to Cite

Solovey С. (2023). IDENTIFICATION OF GLOBAL MODELS FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF HEALTH INSURANCE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (5), 131–140.