


public regulation, economic development, economy, state policy, instruments, programs


The article reveals the key aspects of improving the instruments of public regulation of economic development with a special emphasis on the realities of today. The author establishes that modern public regulation of the economy should be based on appropriate tools, which should include a set of methods, techniques and means of public influence on the economic development of the country, and should be reduced to the methods of direct action by which the State directly intervenes in economic processes. It is determined that effective regulation of economic processes in our country requires the development and implementation of clear, consistent and transparent mechanisms, i.e. a number of effective forms, methods and means of influence. It is noted that public regulation of economic processes is aimed at overcoming problems and creating the most favorable conditions for the functioning of all links of market relations, thereby achieving economic development and growth and the overall competitiveness of the country. It is found that today public authorities are effectively working to preserve the key functions of the country in times of war, which has led to a certain level of economic stability.

The importance of the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving Legislation on the Protection of Economic Competition and the Activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine" No. 3295-IX dated 09.08.2023, which provides for an increase in the efficiency of the system of development and protection of economic competition, improvement of the national policy in the field of economic competition protection and strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Antimonopoly Committee, is noted. The author analyzes the features of the draft state budget for 2024 and the amount of funding for direct support programs for the Ukrainian economy. It is established that an important tool for public regulation of economic development is to directly ensure the development of Ukrainian engineering. The features of the USAID Competitive Economy of Ukraine Program and its importance in the economic development of Ukraine, the Affordable Loans 5-7-9% program, which has been adapted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to new realities, are considered. The author emphasizes the peculiarities and prospects of creating the Ukraine Facility in the amount of EUR 50 billion to support Ukraine in the period of 2024-2027.


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Dykan, V.L. & Tolstova, A.V. (2022). Mekhanizm derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia vidtvorennia ta rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrainy v rynkovykh umovakh [Mechanism of state regulation of reproduction and development of the economy of Ukraine in market conditions]. Visnyk ekonomiky transportu i promyslovosti – Herald of the economy of transport and industry, 76–77, 5–12 [in Ukrainian].

Oleshko, A.A. & Budiakova, O.Yu. & Kvas, V.O. (2022). Rehuliuiucha rol derzhavy u vidnovlenni natsionalnoi ekonomiky [Regulatory role of the state in the restoration of the national economy]. Ekonomika ta derzhava – Economy and the state, 8, 15–18 [in Ukrainian].

Pro vnesennia zmin do deiakykh zakonodavchykh aktiv Ukrainy shchodo vdoskonalennia zakonodavstva pro zakhyst ekonomichnoi konkurentsii ta diialnosti Antymonopolnoho komitetu Ukrainy: Zakon Ukrainy [On making changes to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the improvement of the legislation on the protection of economic competition and the activities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Dopomoha biznesu na ponad 41 mlrd hrn. Ministerka ekonomiky Yuliia Svyrydenko pro shist osnovnykh ekonomichnykh prohram u proiekti derzhbiudzhetu-2024 [Business aid for more than UAH 41 billion. Minister of Economy Yulia Svyridenko about the six main economic programs in the 2024 state budget project]. Forbes. 2023. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Uriad planuie ponovyty prohramu kompensatsii ahrariiam za prydbanu tekhniku vitchyznianoho vyrobnytstva [The government plans to renew the compensation program for farmers for purchased domestically produced machinery]. Ukrinform. 2023. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]

Prohrama USAID «Konkurentospromozhna ekonomika Ukrainy» vydilyt 36 mln hrn na pidtrymku ukrainskoho biznesu. [The USAID program "Competitive Economy of Ukraine" will allocate UAH 36 million to support Ukrainian business]. Diia. Biznes – Diia. Business. 2022. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Prohrama USAID «Konkurentospromozhna ekonomika Ukrainy» nadast hranty na pidtrymku eksportnykh aliansiv na zahalnu sumu $ 1,5 mln. [The USAID program "Competitive Economy of Ukraine" will provide grants to support export alliances in the total amount of $1.5 million]. Uriadovyi portal – Government portal. 2023. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Pro vnesennia zmin do Poriadku nadannia hrantiv na stvorennia abo rozvytok pererobnykh pidpryiemstv: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy [On making changes to the Procedure for providing grants for the creation or development of processing enterprises: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Vidnovlennia ekonomiky na deokupovanykh terytoriiakh ta pidtrymka vitchyznianoho vyrobnyka: Uriad udoskonalyv umovy pidtrymky biznesu za prohramoiu «5-7-9». Ministerstvo ekonomiky Ukrainy [Restoration of the economy in the de-occupied territories and support of the domestic producer: The government has improved the conditions for business support under the "5-7-9" program. Ministry of Economy of Ukraine]. 2023. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Yevroparlament pidtrymav stvorennia prohramy Ukraine Facility na 50 mlrd yevro protiahom 2024-2027 rokiv [The European Parliament supported the creation of the Ukraine Facility program for 50 billion euros during 2024-2027]. Uriadovyi portal – Government portal. 2023. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].



How to Cite

Sychov В. (2023). IMPROVING THE INSTRUMENTS OF PUBLIC REGULATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (5), 121–130.