implementation, international legal norms, European Union, population employment, national securityAbstract
The article defines the necessity and state of implementation of international legal norms in the sphere of employment of Ukraine in the context of ensuring national security. It has been found that Ukraine’s signing of this Agreement and obtaining the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union forces it to implement international legal norms into domestic legislation, in particular in the field of employment, which will provide it with an appropriate level of national security. International legal norms are increasingly being implemented in the national legislation in the area of employment of the population, which has a positive effect on the state of ensuring the national security of the country in general. The essence of the concept of "implementation" is revealed. It was determined that the effectiveness of the implementation of international legal norms in the sphere of employment of Ukraine in order to ensure the appropriate level of national security depends primarily on the degree of preparation for this of the domestic legislative framework. The peculiarities of the policy of ensuring employment in the European Union are considered. It has been established that Ukraine is currently at the initial stage of preparation for the implementation of international legal norms in this field, which is caused primarily by the need to eliminate significant shortcomings in the regulatory and legal support of labor relations; compliance with EU legislation on gender equality, occupational health and safety; solving problems with informal employment and reducing salary arrears; modernization of the inspection system in the field of labor relations. The main task of the country at this stage is to ensure the development and implementation of a policy that would meet any needs of the global economy and stimulate the personal responsibility of each citizen for his own well-being. As a conclusion, it is stated that the membership of Ukraine in the European Union and the implementation of international legal norms in the domestic legal framework, in particular in the area of employment of the population, will allow to ensure a high level of efficiency of state development, improve international authority, stimulate changes in its legal system, and also contribute to ensuring proper level of national security.
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