


local self-government, European Union, decentralization, financial autonomy, mechanisms of citizen participation


The article analyzes scientific approaches to the issue of the system of local self-government in EU countries. The article states that international cooperation provides the opportunity for lessons in mutual interaction, dialogue and joint work. This promotes partnership building and knowledge sharing, which is key to the development of an open society. The involvement of international experts and consultants helps in making the transition to modern and effective local governance. Adapting the lessons of international experience to the conditions of Ukraine is a key stage in strengthening the system of local self-government. This includes the development and implementation of legislative and organizational changes, increasing the competence of local governing bodies, as well as involving citizens in decision-making processes.

The author states that the development of the system of local self-government in the countries of the European Union is a dynamic and multifaceted process from which Ukraine can learn a number of valuable lessons. The achievements of the EU in the field of local self-government testify to the importance of decentralization and active participation of citizens in decision-making.

It is necessary to take into account the importance of the financial autonomy of local bodies in order to ensure the effectiveness of their activities. A key aspect is also the introduction of institutions that contribute to sustainable development and the development of civil society.

International cooperation is an integral part of this process, where the exchange of best practices can significantly improve the efficiency and legitimacy of the system of local self-government in Ukraine. Adapting the best foreign experience to the specific context of Ukraine plays a key role in strengthening the system, ensuring its relevance to local needs and realities.

Ukraine can successfully use existing practices, approaches and mechanisms to build a stable and effective system of local self-government. Joint work with European partners will allow the country to take steps forward in implementing the principles of democracy, transparency and responsibility at the local level, contributing to sustainable development and improving the quality of life of citizens.


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How to Cite

Redziuk Н. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEM IN THE EU COUNTRIES: LESSONS FOR UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (5), 105–112.