public administration, national security, defense-industrial complex, enterprise of the defense-industrial complex, digitalization of the economy, digitalization of the defense-industrial complex, digitalization of enterprises of the defense-industrial complexAbstract
The article analyzes the current problems of introducing digitization in the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine. The author substantiates that digitalization is the basis of reforming the defense-industrial complex of Ukraine.
The article states that the following factors should be included in the acceleration of digitization at the enterprise of the defense-industrial complex: technical and economic modeling of business process reengineering; attraction of new sources of funding for digital programs and acquisition of new equipment, information security systems, including state support and leasing; introduction of an automated system of long-term forecasting, management and consideration of risks, improvement of information security; support of the system of personnel potential, involvement of creative, talented IT specialists and employees for the implementation of digitalization of the enterprise; introduction of advanced technologies of robotics, automation and artificial intelligence in the production process; development and implementation of a system of training and retraining of specialists at various levels, from line workers to managers; development of a system of motivation and stimulation of the company’s employees to increase digital activity; ensuring compatibility and conversion of data in software complexes at different levels of use (from the state to a specific enterprise participating in this program).
The study identifies the following stages of digitization of enterprises of the defense-industrial complex. At the first stage, the enterprise of the defense-industrial complex needs to ensure the "digitalization" of its own production in order to be able to integrate into the "digital economy" and meet the level of development of management technologies in other sectors of the economy.
At the second stage, the defense-industrial complex needs to integrate into the "digital economy" as a branch of the economy. At this stage, the main thing is to ensure the exchange of information with key counterparties: the state in the form of bodies that order the products of enterprises and determine the state policy regarding the defense-industrial complex; cooperative enterprises directly related to the production of the final product; commercial customers - business entities, those who buy not only military products of the defense-industrial complex, but also dual-purpose products or civilian products.
At the third stage, the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex must establish the production of new military products, with the help of which it is possible to protect the state from new threats, those that can disrupt the functioning of the state management of the economy established during "digitalization".
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