cerebrovascular disease, emergency medical care, capable hospital network, hospital district, standardsAbstract
Modern emergency medical care in Ukraine is characterized by a number of problems and shortcomings: long travel times to patients, low qualification of employees, lack of material and technological support, etc. At the same time, it is often the efficiently provided emergency care for cerebrovascular pathologies that serves as the basis for survival and reduction of patients’ disability. Therefore, it is clear that the current emergency medical care system needs significant improvement. The research article defines the statistics of the incidence of cerebrovascular pathologies in Ukraine and the world and survival after them. The etymology of the concept of cerebrovascular pathology is detailed, and the diseases included in it are identified. The most common causes of mortality in Ukraine are graphically displayed and the place of cerebrovascular diseases in them is determined. The features of emergency medical care for cerebrovascular diseases are determined. The interrelation between the establishment of the National Health Service of Ukraine and the improvement of the level of technological and material support for emergency medical care is analyzed. The requirements that a medical institution must meet in order to provide the full range of necessary care for cerebrovascular diseases are structured. The place of care for cerebrovascular pathologies in the Medical Guarantee Program for 2023 is determined.
The essence of a capable hospital network was studied and the purpose of its creation was established. The key unit of the network – the hospital district – is defined and its components are revealed. The legal framework for the creation of a capable hospital network is presented, and the responsible state bodies for its development are identified. The author analyzes the explanations of the Minister of Health of Ukraine regarding the results to be achieved, including in the field of emergency medical care, from the implementation of the infrastructure stage of the medical reform. The key problems inherent in emergency medical care in Ukraine are systematized and mechanisms for their elimination are identified.
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