


public administration, logistics, logistics activity, logistics systems, logistics processes


The article analyzes the conceptual foundations of public management of the field of logistics in Ukraine. It is noted that logistics is a form of optimizing market relations and harmonizing the interests of all participants in the movement of goods, which is an improvement in the management of material and other combined flows on the way from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer, based on a systemic approach.

To restore economic growth and relative stabilization of production, various long-term strategies and state programs for the development of the national economy, which have a macrologistic component, have been developed. The development of the macro-logistics system should become part of the long-term strategy of the economic development of Ukraine. In connection with this, a trend towards the development of a national logistics strategy has emerged in Ukraine.

The main goal of the national logistics strategy is to support and accelerate the growth of the economy, transition to a model of innovative and intensive economic development. Successful implementation of this long-term strategy is impossible without the formation and development of a mechanism for further improvement of logistics processes.

The role of the state in the development of national logistics can be seen from the following components: state regulation of logistics processes, including their legal support (by industry, types of activity); creation and operation of transport infrastructure (by industry, types of activity); stimulating the development of logistics projects (by regions, industries, types of activity). Trade unions and specialized Associations will have a special importance in the interaction of the state and business in the formation and implementation of the logistics strategy in the future.

First of all, this concerns investment in the development of logistics and the improvement of their components: the quality of the infrastructure and the competence of specialists, the tracking of the passage of goods and the timeliness of deliveries, the reduction of border and trade barriers for the passage of goods. Institutional improvements will be needed to increase the level of integration, and to regulate the industry, accessibility and market safety.

The article substantiates the need to improve the regulatory and legal framework, in particular, for interstate intermodal transportation, for the unification of document flow, for the creation of a single and end-to-end tariff for freight transportation and information services based on a unified document flow.

Creating a system of reliable statistical reporting on logistics indicators, raising the level of personnel training for the logistics industry, restructuring the logistics systems of Ukraine and their integration into the European logistics system.


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How to Cite

Shelest Р. (2023). CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF LOGISTICS IN UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (4), 137–147.