health care system, public-private partnership in the field of health care, models of public-private partnership in the field of health care, principles and mechanisms of implementation of public-private partnership in the field of health care, risks and opportunities implementation of public-private partnership in the field of health careAbstract
The article analyzes the methodological principles of the analysis of the concept of "public-private partnership in the field of health care". The author substantiates that the concept of public-private partnership is a debatable issue and is currently discussed by scientists. The main characteristic features of public-private partnership, which reveal the essence and content of this concept as a social phenomenon, are: public-private partnership has a clearly expressed public, social orientation; the parties of a public-private partnership are the state, represented by state or municipal authorities, and private business, represented by the executor and supplier of resources; availability of public and private sectors; official relations between state and private participants based on a legal basis; the mutual relations of the parties have a partnership, i.e. equal character and a long-term perspective; long-term relations between the state and the private sector; in the process of cooperation of the parties, their resources and contributions are combined; state property as an object of partnership or joint participation of the state and business in a corporate-type economic organization; financial risks and costs, as well as the achieved results, are distributed between the parties in predetermined proportions; redistribution of responsibility between the parties of the partnership in order to implement the project more effectively; the purpose of such a partnership is to implement socially important projects and programs both at the national level and at the level of an individual region; joint financing or investment by all participants of the partnership (combination of public and private sector resources) to achieve a common goal; focus on the implementation of joint tasks and interests of the state and the private sector; the subject area of implementation of public-private partnership projects (public (basic) infrastructure sectors and production of services or goods based on them); the possibility of a private partner making certain investments in partnership objects from sources that are not prohibited by law; provision of higher technical and economic performance indicators than in the case of the implementation of this activity by a state partner without the involvement of a private partner; the presence of an income component in the implementation of the public-private partnership project; the strategic goal of the formation of the public-private partnership project, which consists in the implementation by the body of public administration of social obligations guaranteed by the institution of the state (protection of basic human values and needs).
We propose to analyze the public-private partnership as the cooperation of the state (public administration bodies and local self-government bodies) and the private partner (private entities of economic activity) as a public long-term cooperation governed by the rules of law, which is carried out mainly on a competitive and contractual basis, taking into account the division risks, joint financing and aimed at effective implementation of projects that have important social importance and obtaining financial benefits.
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