
  • Anastasiia Polovina senior teacher, graduate student of the department health care management and public administration National P. L. Shupyk University of Securityof Health of Ukraine



medical worker, medic, doctor, nurse, paramedic, junior nurse, regulatory and legal regulation, state policy, health care sphere


The article presents a thorough description of the regulatory and legal regulation of state policy in the field of protection of the rights of employees of the health care system. It has been proven that health care workers are ordinary citizens of Ukraine who have equal rights with other citizens of the country. Therefore, they are subject to the general rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen, which are approved in Chapter II of the Constitution of Ukraine. At the same time, health care workers are endowed with rights that are characteristic of their professional activity, and they are also protected by the state from any interference in the exercise of civil and political rights due to the fact that each worker is a member of civil society. and a direct participant in political life. It is these rights that ensure the protection of a person’s rights against unwanted restrictions and interference. Today, it is quite difficult for doctors to defend personal rights due to significant mistrust, doubts and prejudices of patients towards their activities, etc. It is well-founded that such categories as doctors, nurses, paramedics, and junior nurses should be included in the healthcare sector. Despite these categories, we believe that it is appropriate to divide healthcare workers according to educational criteria into such categories as: 1) subjects who have acquired a medical specialty: doctors, paramedics, nurses, laboratory assistants, hygienists, rehabilitators, pharmacologists, pharmacists, etc.; 2) subjects who perform professional duties related to medical activity, but have not obtained a medical specialty: junior nurses for patient care, junior nurses (sanitary cleaner, etc.). In order to improve the regulatory and legal regulation of the protection of the rights of health care workers, the qualification of the rights of these workers, which are divided into fundamental and characterological varieties, has been provided. The need to supplement the current legislation in the field of health care in order to improve the mechanism of implementation of the international law of the worker in the field of health care during the implementation of professional activities has been proven.


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How to Cite

Polovina А. (2023). LEGAL REGULATION OF STATE POLICY IN THE FIELD OF PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF HEALTHCARE WORKERS. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (4), 96–106.