
  • Myroslav Buryk candidate of sciences in public administration, doctoral student of department of management and business administration, Precarpation national University of Vasyl Stefany



economic security, territorial community, resources, legal support


The article examines the legal provision of public administration in the field of economic security of territorial communities. The author analyzes the main normative legal acts that regulate this sphere, and also defines the main principles and tasks of legal support of public administration in the field of economic security of territorial communities. Current regulatory documents are aimed at creating institutional support for the effective management of economic processes at the level of territorial communities and the protection of the economic interests of its members. The author highlights the following main principles of legal support of public administration in the sphere of economic security of territorial communities: rule of law; legality; transparency and openness; efficiency; cooperation of state authorities, local self-government bodies and other participants in economic relations. Unresolved problems of many problems have a negative impact on the state of economic security of territorial communities. Thus, the insufficient level of regulatory and legal regulation makes it difficult to identify and prevent economic threats, as well as makes it impossible to respond effectively to them. Unclear demarcation of powers between state authorities, local self-government bodies and other subjects of public administration leads to duplication of functions and management inefficiency. The insufficient level of resource provision of public administration in the field of economic security of territorial communities complicates the implementation of measures to ensure economic security. This article is a relevant and important study in the field of public administration. Insufficient regulatory and legal framework for local programs complicates their development and implementation, and creates the risk that local programs will not be effective. To solve this problem, it is necessary to make changes to the existing regulatory and legal acts; develop new legal acts that will regulate the development and implementation of local programs; ensure proper informational support of local self-government bodies in terms of providing institutional support for the development and implementation of local programs.


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How to Cite

Buryk М. (2023). LEGAL SECURITY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN THE SPHERE OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (4), 6–16.