


project, program, project management, public administration, efficiency, private sector, public sector, functional management


The article summarizes the experience of theorists-experts in the field of project management and in the field of public administration, in particular, with the aim of determining the content of key categories significant for the applied application of project management (project, program). The expediency of distinguishing these concepts is justified. It is proven that the project is a stage of the program, which consists of a number of projects and is subordinated to the unifying goal of the strategy (complex planning). It should be noted the interdisciplinary nature of project management as a subject of scientific research at the general societal level as a universal methodology of social, political, entrepreneurial, public and public management.

A general conclusion was made that the use of project management methodology in public administration and at the level of state executive bodies and local self-government bodies has both a strategic and a tactical nature. In a strategic plan, the project approach makes it possible to direct the efforts of relevant public authorities to solve urgent problems of the united territorial community, region, and state. In the tactical plan, budget savings are achieved, the deadlines for implementation of state programs and national projects are reduced, there is a certain optimization of state management structures and local self-government bodies, and the coordination of the activities of public governance bodies is improved.

The need for an evolutionary transition from a functional model to project management in public administration is substantiated.

Author Biography

Lesya TIRBAKH, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Ph.D. in economics, lecturer of the Department of Public management of Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav


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How to Cite

TIRBAKH Л. (2023). PROJECT MANAGEMENT: FEATURES OF APPLICATION IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (3), 78–83.