information security, information space, national security, disinformation, cyberattacks, cyber defense, digital literacyAbstract
The article discusses the current problems of information security in Ukraine and suggests ways to solve them, since the growing role of technology and information networks in modern society poses complex challenges to Ukraine in terms of ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. The relevance of the topic is determined by the threats of cyberattacks, destabilization of the information space and the importance of ensuring the proper functioning of state and public information systems. The article analyzes current challenges related to cyber threats, disinformation and cyber attacks on critical infrastructure. The proposed solutions are based on the creation of effective cyber defense mechanisms, raising cyber literacy of the population, and developing cooperation between government agencies, the private sector, and international partners. The article indicates that today one of the main problems that arise in the context of ensuring information security in Ukraine is the manifestation of information expansion and insufficiently objective and impartial reflection of events and situations originating from the Russian Federation. The aggressor state uses hybrid technologies, including methods of information interference, to destabilize the national security of Ukraine. We have emphasized the need for a systematic approach to information security and the active role of the state in the development and implementation of strategic measures in this area. The State policy of information security is important for national security and should be based on systematic and prudent activities of public administration bodies, which provides guarantees of information security for individuals, social groups, society and the State as a whole. The study of information security as an object of crimes against the foundations of Ukraine's national security in times of war is of great importance and is extremely relevant.
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