


public administration, positions, public positions, state authorities, ministries


The author carried out a systematic analysis of the issue of the development of public positions in 19171918 in Ukraine. The article analyzes the development of the system of public positions and the system of state authorities during 19171918 in the Ukrainian Republic and the ZUNR. The author found out that public positions are constantly becoming more complicated and are closely related to the form of government in the state, the personality of the head of state, and the stage of development of state formation. A certain system of public positions exists only in a certain environment and cannot exist without significant modernization in another environment. The system of public positions is a dynamic system that is constantly changing, improving, and modernizing because the system of public administration is changing.

The analysis of the literature on the historical development of public positions gives grounds for asserting that the personnel of public administration is formed in a wave-like manner: from time to time, new figures who were not related to administration (military, teachers, agronomists) entered the public service. This is connected, first of all, with the changes taking place both inside the country and outside (wars, global cataclysms, revolutions). During such transformations, the top management also changes, it is filled with new personnel, a new ideological focus, and innovative management styles. Such changes are often accompanied by upheavals that is, the entire ruling elite changes, the forms of government in the country are transformed, then there are personnel revolutions, which are often accompanied by personnel «upheavals», the denial of old forms and methods of management, the «destruction» of the management system, established forms of government. During such processes, personnel «purges» take place.

In addition, with the complication of public administration functions, the hierarchy of public positions becomes more complicated and their number increases. Taking into account the rational distribution of public administrative work will make it possible not to increase the apparatus of public administration, but to complicate its functions.

Author Biography

Oksana PARKHOMENKO-KUTSEVIL, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Administration of Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav


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How to Cite

PARKHOMENKO-KUTSEVIL О. . (2023). SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC POSITIONS IN 1917–1918 IN UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (3), 49–58.

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