


information, information threats, education system, state policy, control, manipulation


Information security is one of the main problems of modern society. This problem can be solved not only the technical and legal means, but also by means of education. The author considers the distinctive features of information security in the education of students, pupils of elementary, middle and high school. Assessment of pedagogical tools is taking into account the age and social psychology. The author demonstrates the dynamics of threats at each age and offers his vision of the concept of «information security» for each group of children and youth.

The article describes the main threats: the destruction of the unified information space of the state; manipulation of public opinion, insufficient coordination of the activities of state authorities, weakness of the education and training system, illegal use of special means of influencing public consciousness, intensifying international competition for possession of information technologies and resources; activities of international terrorist organizations; insufficiency of the regulatory legal framework regulating relations in the information sphere, as well as insufficient practice of applying the law. In the information war, three main goals are distinguished: control of the information space and ensuring the protection of one's information from hostile actions; use of control over the information space to carry out information attacks on the enemy; increasing the overall efficiency of armed information functions. The components of information wars are considered and the priority directions of the state information policy and important steps taken by the authorities of Ukraine are described. The formation of public consciousness with the help of subjects of information war using methods of psychological influence becomes the most effective way of control and manipulation both within the state and outside it. It all depends on who actually determines the information content. Thus, our attitude to problems and phenomena, even the very approach to what is considered a problem or phenomenon, is largely determined by those who control the world of communications.

Author Biography

Valentina GUBENKO, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

A lecturer of the Department of Public management of Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav


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How to Cite

GUBENKO В. (2023). EDUCATION IN UKRAINE AND FUNDAMENTALS OF THE LEGAL ASPECT OF COUNTERING INFORMATION THREATS. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (3), 14–21.