



national security, public security, police, civil order, police professionalism


The author substantiates that public safety is one of the main aspects of security. He speaks alongside others, including military and political security, the so-called "classic" subject dimensions of security. In addition to public, public, military or political security, such substantive dimensions include the following: environmental, informational, economic, cultural, ideological and others.

The article substantiates that the cooperative management system in Germany includes 6 elements: Delegation, participation (Beteiligung), transparency (Transparenz), representativeness (Repräsentation), control (Kontrolle) and performance evaluation (Leistungsbewertung). These elements should serve as a guide for the police leadership in the performance of managerial functions. Each element describes certain actions, the consistent implementation of which contributes to the achievement of goals. In Germany, the functions and competencies of police officers are greater than in Ukraine, their training is aimed at the comprehensive development of police officers to perform their duties in accordance with the law and to ensure public safety.

Based on the analysis of public safety in Germany, the following can be noted. First, public safety is seen as the basis for ensuring the safe functioning of society. Secondly, the main state institutions that implement public security functions are the police. Third, the basis of quality and effective policing is professionalism, honesty, trust in society. Fourth, the functions of the police are not limited to maintaining public order and investigating criminal offenses, but also related to the activities of society, assistance to the population in critical daily affairs.

Author Biography

Ball Mujahit

Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration


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How to Cite

Mujahit Б. (2022). ENSURING PUBLIC SAFETY IN GERMANY: PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE FOR UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (2), 44–61. https://doi.org/10.31470/2786-6246-2022-2-44-61