


national security, globalization, climate change, military security, world security organizations


The article analyzes the conceptual model of public administration in the field of national security in the UK. The author argues that the British strategy's approach to national security is based on a number of key values, including human rights, the rule of law, lawful and responsible government, justice, freedom, tolerance and opportunities for all. These values form the basis of Britain's security, prosperity and prosperity. The British strategy assumes that the United Kingdom is in a favorable position to benefit from globalization. At the same time, it is committed to controlling the threats posed by globalization. Threats are divided into the following categories: economic (threats to open markets, global financial stability, potential threats to international trade); technological (Internet); demographic (population growth, and related problems with food and water shortages, rising unemployment, migration); wars and military conflicts. Climate change is high on the British strategy. This problem for England as an island nation is the greatest threat to national security. In this regard, her decision is vital. The UK's strategy is aimed at ensuring the country's national security, it is based on a new scheme that combines the readiness of special services for emergencies with the participation of ordinary citizens in ensuring security in the regions. It emphasizes that citizens must be prepared to respond effectively to all types of potential threats from natural disasters, such as floods and terrorist acts. The UK strategy is based on "practical application", for example, it provides for the creation of a national register of potential risks, available to all citizens of the country.

The analysis gives grounds to note that Ukraine needs to develop a general framework strategic document - "National Security Strategy until 2030", which provides: global security, European security, international security, development of national security systems and forecasting further stages of state policy in the field national security.

Author Biography

Alwan Amro

Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration


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How to Cite

Amro А. (2022). CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF GOVERNMENT IN THE FIELD OF NATIONAL SECURITY IN THE UK. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (2), 31–43.