public, civil society, cooperation of civil society with public authorities, public councils, public hearings, public initiatives, consultations, round tablesAbstract
The article substantiates that civil society is an organization of a stable order, supported not only (and so much) by the force of state coercion, but also by the amateur efforts of the citizens themselves - its members. Civil society has a high degree of self-organization, it does not need systematic action by government agencies. The rule of law is possible only under the control of civil society, as the state is financed by taxpayers - residents of the country. The author analyzes the problem of forming effective interaction between government and the public as a basis for forming an effective system of public administration. The main forms of interaction between public authorities include: public councils; public hearings; public initiatives; consultations; round tables; public opinion polls; community organization; social monitoring; creation of coalitions, etc. It is substantiated that neglect of public opinion, failure to use effective mechanisms for effective involvement of economic entities of other stakeholders in the development of state and local decisions lead to inefficient use of state and local resources. The article substantiates that in Central European countries the practice of forming auxiliary self-government bodies, which are created in subordinate territorial units of unified territorial communities (settlements, rural districts, districts); bodies of territorial public self-government; civic initiatives that address local issues, primarily related to protecting the territory from the construction of unwanted production and infrastructure facilities, community improvement, leisure, improving the investment image of communities, their "revival", the fight against poverty.
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