The process of national identity formation in independent Ukraine




national identity, Ukraine, consolidation of society, Ukrainian national idea


The process of national identity formation in independent Ukraine has been studied. Based on the analysis of the results of sociological research, the state, problems and prospects of the formation of Ukrainian national identity have been revealed. It has been found that at the time of the declaration of independence, Ukraine was characterized by a blurred national identity, where regional identities predominated, when the West of Ukraine focused on the European Union, and its East and South parts focused on Russia. The results of the sociological research revealed positive dynamics in the formation of Ukrainian national identity in the conditions of independent Ukraine, as it is civic identity that has become a priority for the citizens of Ukraine over other group identities. At the same time, the shortcomings of the liberal approach to the formation of national identity, which emphasizes human rights, ignoring the problems of blurred Ukrainian national identity, incomplete nation-building processes in Ukraine and the collective rights of Ukrainians as the titular nation, are proved. This led to the deepening of divisions and fragmentation of Ukrainian society, the alienation of property and power by the broad masses of people. Russia took advantage of this by unleashing a "hybrid war" against Ukraine and annexing Crimea and part of the Donbas. However, the modern political elite has not drawn proper conclusions, and as the results of recent sociological studies show, it continues to pursue politics, ignoring the Ukrainian national interests and expectations of its own people. The priority of national integration and ensuring the national unity of Ukraine has been justified, while maintaining the priority of European integration in relation to other areas of foreign policy orientation and international integration. It is proved that the conceptual basis for consolidating the people of Ukraine can be primarily the Ukrainian national idea.

Author Biography

Vasyl Pasichnyk, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Vasyl Pasichnyk – Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Governance of Lviv Polytechnic National University


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How to Cite

Pasichnyk, V. (2022). The process of national identity formation in independent Ukraine. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (1), 102–133.