The influence of political processes on state-building in Ukraine
political process, state formation, public administration, stateAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of political processes on Ukrainian state formation. State formation is a complex process that takes place in the political space and is an important component of political development in the modern world. The process of state formation determines the existence of the state, which has the status of the main link in the political system of society and the main political institution; the effectiveness of the state-building process cannot be imagined outside of political space, time and development. It is determined that the political process should be understood as a form of functioning of the political system of society, which characterizes its changes in space and time; sequence of political events; a set of policy actors that ensures the functioning and development of the political system. It has been proven that the political process is a complex dynamic system that includes certain components and levels, in particular, national, regional, local and micro level. In Ukraine, the process of forming a political system began with the declaration of independence. Democracy is a vector of development of Ukrainian society and the direction of the domestic political process. It is determined that the factor of state formation is the constant monitoring of the political process, taking into account the activities of political parties. The main tasks of state formation in Ukraine are to build its own sovereign state, improve interethnic relations, establish strong ties with other countries, strengthen the national economy and the domestic army.
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