Theoretical approaches to the problem of development of the modern model of public governance




public administration, system of public authorities, public service, , local self-government bodies, European Union, international legal standards


The article systematizes the problems of development of the national model of public administration. The analysis made it possible to identify six clusters of public administration problems, in particular: first, the lack of legal regulation of the concept of "public administration" as a single system of public administration and local government, as well as government, state and municipal enterprises organizations; secondly, the lack of systematic reform and development of public administration; third, the lack of an effective public service body that is not regulated as an institution. It is the public service that is the basis for effective reforms of the public administration system; fourth, the lack of a systematic, comprehensive mechanism for the introduction of decentralization in Ukraine; fifth, the fragmentary nature of public administration reform, which is associated with constant changes in the country's political course; sixth, the lack of succession and consistency in the implementation of reforms in the public administration system. This negatively affects the reforms, which have not been fully implemented, as these are problems in ensuring the development of a particular industry in this area.

Author Biography

Irina Al-Atti , Lawyer of GNS Privilne LLC

Al-Atti Irina, Ph.D. 281 Public Administration, Lawyer of GNS Privilne LLC


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2022-03-18 — Updated on 2022-09-29

How to Cite

Al-Atti , I. (2022). Theoretical approaches to the problem of development of the modern model of public governance. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (1), 6–16.