


public administration reform, public administration, administrative services, European integration, public information, digitalization, civil society


The article is devoted to studying the challenges faced by public administration in Ukraine in terms of public administration reform. The article aims to determine the strategic directions of government management and administration in the provision of high-quality administrative services in the conditions of war for the formation of civil society in the conditions of European integration. It has been proven that the implementation of powers by public administration bodies requires the creation of stable organizational, economic, managerial, and institutional conditions that will contribute to the construction of new forms of territory management organization, stimulating their development in war conditions. Priorities for the provision of administrative services are highlighted as an indicator of the attitude of the state government toward the population, the degree of respect for their rights and freedoms (introduction of a general administrative procedure with basic guarantees; improvement of the quality and availability of administrative services, decentralization of essential administrative services; systematic reduction of the administrative burden on citizens and legal persons; optimization and improvement of the performance of executive authorities; provision of administrative services in electronic form). The principles of the administrative procedure (rule of law, equality before the law, reasonableness, proportionality, openness, efficiency, etc.), which are the basis of relations between citizens and public administration bodies, are studied. In the context of the reform of the civil service’s modern institute and local self-government, the priority directions of the development of the administrative services system in Ukraine have been determined: decentralization, deregulation, development of institutional capacity and communication support, and European integration. It is substantiated that the improvement of the system of providing administrative services and proper government management are the key tasks of the government to achieve economic growth, competitiveness of the country, and a better quality of life for the population.


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How to Cite

Sukharnikov В. (2024). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN UKRAINE: CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (10), 110–118.