Republic of Korea, DPRK, diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dialogue, containment, escalationAbstract
The article analyzes the features of South Korean diplomacy in relations with the DPRK. The purpose of the study is to identify the main challenges and directions of South Korean diplomacy, in particular the new Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-Yul, in relations with the DPRK. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the study, the author used general scientific and special methods and approaches integrated from the science of public administration, international relations and political science. Content analysis of scientific literature helped to formulate the purpose of the study. System analysis to clarify the priorities of the diplomacy of the Republic of Korea towards the DPRK, taking into account recent events and statements by their leadership. The method of logical generalization was used to formulate conclusions. The scientific novelty of the study lies in an attempt to clarify the prospects for relations between the countries of the Korean Peninsula after changes in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Against the background of the involvement of North Korean soldiers in Russia's war against Ukraine, the clarification of the priorities of the new leadership of the Republic of Korea in relations with the DPRK is a pressing issue. Moreover, it is on the Korean Peninsula that the geopolitical interests of the largest nuclear powers intersect: China, the USA and Russia. Therefore, a confrontation between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea may have unexpected consequences for most countries in the world, in particular for our country. Given the recent events in relations with the DPRK and in geopolitics, as well as changes in the Foreign Ministry, South Korean diplomacy must work on several fronts, using all its strengths. In the short term, dialogue with Pyongyang is not envisaged in Seoul's foreign policy. On the contrary, diplomacy will focus on strengthening deterrence. In this sense, the new Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul will face many diplomatic challenges, starting from the need to combat growing hostility from the DPRK and ending with the establishment of relations with China against the backdrop of Sino-American rivalry. At the same time, improving relations with the DPRK will remain the main foreign policy task of the Republic of Korea in order to prevent escalation on the peninsula.
South Korea's relations with China and its role in the country's relations with the DPRK are a promising topic of research, especially taking into account China's position on the participation of South Korean soldiers in the war against our country.
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