
  • Alina Pomaza-Ponomarenko Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Senior Researcher, Head of the Scientific Department for State Security Problems of Research Centre of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • Dmitry Taraduda PhD in Technical Science, Associate professor, Deputy Head of Department of Organization and Technical Support of Emergency Rescue Works, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine



public administration, public policy, national security, social security, social development, health care system, National Health Service of Ukraine, medical sphere, reform, homologation, services


Health is an essential component of an individual's social development and territories' economic development. The person should take care of his health, and the state should create the conditions for proper social development. The latter involves the effective functioning of the health care system, the development of innovative activity, the investment climate and the labor market, a high level of GDP, stability in the country, a safe environment, etc. Unfortunately, modern realities and financing of the domestic medical sector, in general, require homologation and completion of the reform of the public administration system in this area, given its functioning.

The authors established that European countries already have some experience reforming the medical sector, and in Ukraine, such reform began in 2018. Evidence of this is the adopted Law of Ukraine, «On State Financial Guarantees of Medical Care for the Population which became the first step among significant changes in the health care system. The article emphasizes that the medical sector reform must be completed, and homologation processes in this area must be implemented in Ukraine. The authors determined that homologation involves improving approaches to providing social services in the medical sector and improving public management approaches. The article revealed that domestic legislation contains definitions of such services as public (or administrative) and social, and the social relates to the medical sector. The authors found that social services in the medical sector are typified depending on their focus on prevention related to providing social support or social services. In addition, social services in the medical sector can be classified into simple, complex, complex, specialized social services, and auxiliary social services. Their providers can belong to the state, municipal, or non-state sectors, including stationary and rehabilitation institutions/facilities, etc. Among the advantages of reforming the medical sector in Ukraine are: 1) the development and active implementation of the e-Health electronic system modeled after other effective similar foreign e-systems in the medical sector; 2) the creation of the National Health Service of Ukraine, etc. The article proves that the existing organizational and legal mechanisms of public administration in the healthcare sector of Ukraine need to be improved in methodological and financial support, which is possible through the development of public-private partnerships.


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How to Cite

Pomaza-Ponomarenko А., & Taraduda Д. (2024). REFORM AND HOMOLOGATION OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT OF THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN UKRAINE. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (10), 85–92.