public administration, martial law, civil-military cooperation, digital transformation, national security, crisis management, management modelsAbstract
The article examines the theoretical and methodological foundations as well as practical aspects of forming an effective model of public governance under martial law conditions. The study's relevance is driven by the need to adapt the state governance system to the challenges of wartime and ensure its effective functioning in crises. The study aims to analyze and assess models of effective public governance under martial law, identifying key strategies and practices that enhance the state's efficiency and resilience during crises. Based on the analysis of scientific sources and practical experience, the paper explores the features of transforming the public governance system under martial law, highlights the main challenges, and identifies ways to address them.
The article systematizes the key components of an effective public governance model under martial law, which include the legal framework, organizational structure, management mechanisms, and resource support. Special attention is given to analyzing various governance models (centralized, decentralized, and mixed) and their effectiveness in martial law. The role of military administrations as specific governance bodies under martial law is studied, with an analysis of their functioning and interaction with other government agencies. Key factors for successful civil-military cooperation and mechanisms for coordinating the actions of various government bodies in crisis conditions are identified. Based on the research, a comprehensive model of effective public governance under martial law is proposed, considering the need for a balance between centralizing critically important functions and maintaining elements of decentralization for effectively addressing local issues. Special attention is given to the digital transformation of governance processes and ensuring information security. The study results provide an opportunity to improve the public governance system under martial law, enhancing its efficiency and adaptability to crises.
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