environmental public management and administration, environmental policy, strategic planning, authorities, regional developmentAbstract
Currently, the process of forming a new state regional policy is taking place in Ukraine, in particular on the basis of the use of ecological mechanisms of public administration and legislative support in the conditions of martial law and the implementation of European norms (regulations) in this sphere of public relations. The purpose of such formation is to create conditions for improving the quality of human life, environmentalization and compliance with state-guaranteed social standards for every citizen regardless of his place of residence, through ensuring territorially integral and balanced development of Ukraine, integration of regions into a single economic, political, legal, informational and cultural space, maximum full use of their potential, taking into account natural, political, historical, cultural, social and other features, increasing the competitiveness of regions and implementing effective self-government.
The article substantiates that ecologically effective development cannot be realized without real decentralization, strengthening of self-government in Ukraine, and the involvement of territorial communities in the formation and implementation of the policy (strategic vision) of regional development, in particular in the field of ecology.
State regional development strategy for 2021-2027 (with changes), which was approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 13, 2024. No. 940 remains the main planning document for the implementation of sectoral development strategies and coordination of state policy in various spheres. The strategy defines certain achievements in the effectiveness of the use of state resources in territorial communities and regions in the interests of people, the unity of the state, the sustainable development of historical settlements, and the preservation of the traditional character of the historical environment, the preservation of the natural environment and the sustainable use of natural resources for the current and future generations of Ukrainians after the Victory.
It has been proven that the most significant challenge to which the state must respond through the development and implementation of state regional policy is the inability of most territorial communities to independently resolve issues within their jurisdiction. In general, it is impossible to transfer authority and responsibility for the environmental sustainability of regional development to local self-government bodies until an effective and efficient system of local self-government and, first of all, a truly capable and economically and ecologically sustainable territorial community is created.
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