information mechanism, public management, public management of higher education, mechanisms of public management, mechanisms of public management of higher educationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the information mechanism of public management of higher education, to identify its key components, problems and prospects for development. The article examines the current state of Internet use by the population, after which it is an important indicator of the information mechanism of public management of higher education. It has been established that effective management with the use of digital technologies has a reduced level of access and frequency of Internet use among the population.
The theoretical essence of the information mechanism of public management of higher education has been studied. The main components of the information mechanism of public management of higher education are highlighted, as well as: information systems and databases, analytical platforms, communication channels, electronic services, technological infrastructure, regulatory and legal framework, educational and training resources, services for improving attention and communication.
Based on the results of the research, we will present recommendations and strategies for improving the effectiveness of public management of higher education, taking into account the current needs of stakeholders and trends in this area. These include: increasing access to education, developing mobile applications, implementing personalized services, ensuring data security, developing interactive feedback, standardizing and simplifying procedures, and stimulating innovation. The application of the presented recommendations has many advantages that contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of public management of higher education. In the process of analyzing the effectiveness of public management of higher education, several key aspects were identified. In order to further improve the system of providing educational services, it is recommended to implement an integrated approach.
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