


public management, transport and logistics system, management efficiency, principles of managing the efficiency of the transport and logistics system, indicators and methods of management efficiency


The article analyzes scientific approaches to the concepts of «transport and logistics system,» «management,» «efficiency,» and «efficiency management.» The author states that transport, one of the largest primary industries of the world and national economies, is simultaneously the most important system-forming factor, the condition of which also determines other aspects of the development of social and industrial infrastructure. The globalization of the world economy increasingly clearly outlines a new subsystem of the world and national economic systems – transport and logistics. A more straightforward integration of the functions of the transport industry with the functions of logistics systems occurred consistently. It became a natural continuation of the processes of acceleration of goods, passenger and other material and immaterial flows, growth of their volumes, complexity of their structure, changes in the political situation and legal environment, as well as many other reasons. In recent years, the transport and logistics system has changed its «international economic status,» turning into an inter-branch system, the functions of which are the transformation of living and economic conditions.

The management of the effectiveness of complex management systems has an organic relationship with the effectiveness of the functioning of such systems, reflecting the goal of the management system to create favorable conditions (organizational, economic, legal, institutional, technological, and others) for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the managed subsystem. Effectiveness about the management mechanisms of transport and logistics systems shall be understood as correspondence of the set goals and objectives of the development of transport and logistics systems to the results obtained as a result of the adoption of managerial, organizational, technical, and other measures; the ratio of the obtained results with the costs for obtaining these results in a detailed breakdown by individual components of the functioning of transport and logistics systems; the degree of sectoral compliance of actual performance indicators with similar parameters of transport and logistics systems.

The author characterized four types of principles of managing the efficiency of transport and logistics systems: first, the principles of practical goal setting and planning (correspondence to strategic and current goal setting; relationship of indicators); secondly, the principles of effective organization (selection of responsible persons, adequacy of the organizational structure of the management of the transport and logistics system; detailing of tasks); thirdly, the principles of effective implementation (economic feasibility, feasibility); fourth, the principles of effective control (measurability, periodicity).


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How to Cite

Molyboha Р. (2024). METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF MANAGING THE EFFICIENCY OF THE TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS SYSTEM. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (9), 91–98.