


public administration, housing and communal facilities, housing and communal services, communal infrastructure, centralised water supply and sewerage, quality of services, programme-targeted management, strategies, programmes and projects, region


The article examines the issue of improving the quality of housing and communal services, in particular, centralised water supply and sewerage, which is the main criterion for effective public administration of the industry and is aimed at achieving high social standards of living for every citizen of Ukraine.

Improving the quality of centralized water supply and sewerage services is possible under effective public administration of the whole system, which is aimed at providing consumers with quality drinking water in the necessary volumes through a set of special measures. In turn, the mechanisms of public administration of the quality of centralized water supply and sewerage services can be characterized as a set of regulatory, organizational, investment, financial and innovative measures that should provide consumers with water in sufficient quantity and of high quality. This is what actualizes such functions of public administration as organizational and regulatory, using program-target and project approaches to the development of housing and communal services in general and communal infrastructure in particular.

It should be noted that the concept of «program-target», in particular, in the context of methods and tools to ensure the effectiveness of a particular type of activity, including in the housing and communal sector, means the characterization of the process of implementation of higher-level objectives (mission/general objective/strategic priorities) through their decomposition to the level of specific tasks (projects, programs), which allow to clearly define the amount of necessary resources and timing of their implementation, to carry out the distribution of responsibilities, thus ensuring effective and efficient management of the processes of service provision in the housing and communal sector, in particular in the field of centralised water supply and sewerage.


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How to Cite

Frolova Г. (2024). APPROACHES AND TOOLS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF CENTRALISED WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE SERVICES AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (8), 136–147.