


: public service, civil service, public servant, motivation, incentivization, encouragement,, appreciation, bonus, allowance, supplement


The article addresses issues of motivation and incentivization of public servants. At the beginning of the study, the author draws attention to the fact that the term «public servant» is not defined in domestic legislation. Currently, only doctrinal interpretations exist, which in turn give rise to a number of scholarly debates on this matter. Considering this, the author suggests including the following categories under the umbrella of public servants: state political figures, officials of state collegial bodies, judges, prosecutors, military personnel, individuals undergoing alternative (non-military) service, other civil servants, employees of the patronage service, individuals serving in the authorities of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local self-government bodies.

One of the main factors ensuring effective and conscientious work of public servants is the formation of proper motivation and reward for the performance of official duties. Public servants, like other hired workers, seek societal recognition for the results of their professional activities and encouragement for the work they perform. Through incentivizing public servants, they develop initiative, determination, and confidence in their actions, fostering a conscious and responsible approach to their tasks. Furthermore, the presence of motivational components in public service agencies indirectly contributes to minimizing corrupt practices among public servants. Within each type of public service, the article thoroughly analyzes incentive measures, motivation, and stimulation, as well as identifies the peculiarities of their application.

The investigation into the motivation and incentivization of public servants has led to certain conclusions. In particular, according to the author, the essence of motivation and incentivization should be regarded as a combination of material and non-material measures applied to public servants, which enable them to realize their professionalism, promote self-improvement, activate the fulfillment of their duties to achieve high results and performance indicators at work, fulfill the organization's goals, and play a significant role in ensuring effective and quality provision of state services. Unfortunately, for some categories of public servants, there is a lack of clear legal regulation of types of incentive measures and the procedure for their application, which creates legislative uncertainty on this matter.


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How to Cite

Tkachenko О. (2024). MOTIVATION AND STIMULATION OF PUBLIC SERVANTS. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (8), 126–135.