


public administration, environmental safety, standards for the formation of «green» construction and architecture, environmental friendliness of construction, cost-effectiveness of construction


The article analyzes scientific studies of public management problems in the field of introducing «green» construction and architecture. The author states that «green» construction is an approach to the design, construction and operation of real estate objects (capital construction) and the corresponding infrastructure, based on the principles of ecological sustainability and minimizing the negative impact on the environment. The author singles out its features, which are: energy efficiency (use of technologies that allow to reduce electricity consumption for heating, air conditioning and lighting in order to save resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including through the use of solar panels and other renewable energy sources); use of environmentally friendly materials (objects must be built using construction materials that do not affect the environment or human health); water resource management (many «green» buildings have systems for collecting rainwater, efficient water purification systems that ensure its reuse and reduce its consumption); «green» roofs and walls (various vegetation is placed on them for aesthetic or environmental protection purposes); transport logistics (real estate objects are built taking into account the availability of public electric transport, which allows to reduce the use of personal vehicles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions); landscape approach («green» objects of capital construction are inscribed in the surrounding natural landscape, and green areas, water and other natural objects are located on the adjacent territory).

The author proposed to develop and implement the Strategy for the formation of «green» standards in the field of construction and architecture, which would provide for the conditions and standards for the formation of «green»settlements, taking into account their environmental safety. In addition, the government should adjust its work in the field of politics, legislation, taxation, etc. Especially at the initial stage, effective measures based on economic, social and moral principles should be taken to compensate investors for losses from additional investments.


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How to Cite

Povar М. (2024). PROBLEMS OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN THE SPHERE OF INTRODUCTION OF «GREEN» CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURE: THEORETICAL ASPECT. Public Administration: Concepts, Paradigm, Development, Improvement, (8), 107–115.